Aurora Borealis Forecast and Northern Lights Forecast at Soft Serve News

The Gift of Aurora Alerts.

Help Someone Discover the Aurora.

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Aurora Alerts

An experience is a better gift than stuff.

Step 1: Let's make your gift announcement email.

Soft Serve News

A gift from    

Someone really loves you! They gave you a gift subscription to Aurora Alerts to help you see the beautiful Aurora Borealis!

We'll be sending you some more emails to help you set up your Alerts so they're best for you.

But for now just enjoy knowing someone cares for you so much that they want to help you experience one of the most moving and wondrous scenes in nature!

- Soft Serve News

Step 2: When do you want your gift announcement email sent?

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- Service currently only available in US and Canada (except area code 867)

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